Rave Biology (2024)

The human digestive system
Recording of the exclusive course in 2024

6 parts, approx. 3 hours each
mp4 Video

750,00 inkl. MwSt.

In 1993 Ra and I worked on the parts of the bodygraph which are relating to the intestines and the variuos parts and functions of the digestive system. Because the very first matrix which was published in the early days of this process turned out to be incomplete and not correct in any detail, Ra asked me to develop it further in my daily praxis working with clients, and in 2001 he authorized me exclusively to teach it. Today, after almost 30 years of experience with this special biological matrix, I am still fascinated how this knowledge sometimes plays a key role to support a healthy life in its uniqueness.

We know many millions of people have the same general PHS strategy as you and I, while there is always a very unique digestive system working in each of us, which has its very special requirements and incomparable modes of operation. Therefore, to know exactly how your personal innate system works is of great advantage, especially when aligning a diet to the way the individual digestive system is working. Therefore Rave Biology allows us to differenciate the complexity of the individual digestive system of each person quite precisely.

The human digestive system
Recording of the exclusive course in 2024

6 parts, approx. 3 hours each
mp4 Video