About me
Martin Grassinger, born in 1955 in Salzburg. After a turbulent period of learning and working in various professions, in 1981, he began a twelve-year training in classical homeopathy with psychotherapist and neurologist Dr. Marion Schütt in Hamburg. In 1985, he completed a three-year full-time training to become a naturopath and has been working as a therapist in his own practice since 1988.
Key additional training: NLP with psychotherapist and neurologist Dr. Perren-Klinger (Switzerland), Fascial Balancing (an advanced form of CranioSacral Therapy) at the Upledger Institute Germany, and training in chakra theory and therapy with Sibylle Weizenhöfer (Frankfurt) and Dr. Nader Butto (cardiologist, Tel Aviv).
Since 1991, he has been a lecturer in classical homeopathy for various institutions domestically and abroad. Since 1995, he has been an international Human Design System (HDS) teacher.
About HDS:
Even before it all officially began, I met Ra Uru Hu and was personally introduced to the Human Design System by him in a one-on-one setting. This immediately allowed me to integrate it into my daily work with patients. At that time, I became the first healthcare professional to use this system in daily practice with patients. Further milestones include becoming the first licensed HDS analyst in April 1993 and, alongside Jürgen Saupe, being one of the first teachers in 1994/1995 to offer full training to become an HDS analyst.
I have conducted intensive research, working with Ra on the development of “Rave Biology,” a specific matrix within the body graph focusing on nutrition and digestion. I collaborated with RaveLifeSciences in Los Angeles, where statistical studies on the distribution of genetic types were conducted at the University of California using HDS. This collaboration involved extensive engagement with topics like DreamRave, the design of mammals, and the genetic matrix and amino acids of HDS, as well as their connections to traditional Chinese medicine meridians. Additionally, I worked closely with Peter Lawrence in London, the head of the Human Consulting Group and holder of the international rights for applying HDS in corporate and management contexts.
Since 1995, I have been the only teacher offering advanced training on the medical and therapeutic applications of HDS. These courses have been offered in Germany, Austria, Spain, the USA, and online since 2004. Since early 2005, I have also contributed weekly content to Human Design Radio.
On the foundation of years of application, research, and teaching, I have published numerous articles (over 100 internationally) and released two extensive advanced training courses on health and HDS via Human Design Austria on CD, with more to come.
My work with patients is based on the understanding that illness is always an individual phenomenon. The specific reference points of the disrupted interaction between body and soul become visible through the lens of the body graph, providing the foundation for appropriate assistance. This makes it possible, in each case, to account for the unique psychological aspects within the existing physical processes—and vice versa. In my more than thirteen years of practical experience with HDS, I have found it unmatched in precision and effectiveness.
Every person has traveled their own unique path to their specific state of “illness,” and therefore, each person has their own unique path back to “health.” This path is only sustainable if it aligns with their inner parameters. Only in harmony with one’s true nature can one rediscover their individual balance with themselves and the world. Understanding and identifying the unique traits of a person’s nature is crucial for this process, and HDS provides precise tools to achieve this.
As Khalil Gibran wrote in The Prophet, “The body is the harp of the soul.” In this sense, every person has their own special instrument—their body—through which the soul expresses its melody of life. This unique melody has its own tones, natural resonance, and rhythm. The various aspects of an individual’s body graph can be viewed as their personal “notes” and used accordingly. Whether this melody sounds harmonious or disharmonious does not depend on the “composition” of body and soul but rather on how well it is played.
Most people are at odds with their “instrument” (body) and their personal life melody, with corresponding results. They fail to honor the inherent dynamics of their living forces and instead use their body to fulfill mental constructs of how life should be. This is never sustainable. Using HDS, it is demonstrably possible to precisely identify all internal and external obstacles that hinder a person. It can clearly show under what conditions a person’s potential can best unfold, making it a highly precise and effective tool for diagnostics and therapy.
Since 1995, I have shared my findings, insights, and experiences in numerous advanced seminars domestically and abroad. They also influence various readings, treatments, and consultations. The following analyses are available:
- Personal individual analysis
- Partnership and interaction analysis
- Family, group, and team analysis
- Special child analysis, development, and parent-child dynamics
- Health analysis
- Career, work, and finances
- Personal incarnation theme and spiritual path
- Special supervision and crisis intervention
- Annual themes and life cycle readings (returns)
- Specific personal questions
- DreamRave – personal dream matrix
- Pet design analysis
With ongoing advanced education in all HDS-related topics, my offerings expand and deepen every year.
Personal Reflection:
HDS has been a valuable tool not only for understanding my own nature and life themes but also for navigating an enriching partnership, understanding and raising each child, and fostering respectful relationships. Whether it’s health, career direction, or other life areas, HDS provides insightful guidance.
One thing I’ve repeatedly observed: those who don’t “believe” in it simply haven’t tried it (yet).
Lastly, I want to thank my now-adult daughter: her journey to independence has taught me a lot, especially that children grow into their future, not ours. HDS can be a great help here too. It is primarily designed for future generations—our children—who can then receive guidance that truly aligns with their unique individuality.